Friday, April 27, 2012

I am the walrus

It's a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies. -river phoenix

Start by starting...

  The time has come for me to venture into the World and accomplish what I have dreamed of since I was 12 years old. Since I was a pre-teen with crooked teeth and long unruly hair, I have dreamed of being high above the clouds in the sky, gazing longingly out the window of an airplane on my way to London. I can’t quite say if it was my love for The Beatles, my childhood memories of Greece or the angst I had towards my parents for picking Paducah Kentucky as the town to raise their child in to be the reason for my overwhelming need to travel to Europe. Whatever it was, it’s essentially all I’ve truly wanted in travel the World independently. That was it for me. 
   Here I am. Right now. No looking back, I leave to start my journey. I will write every day, reaching into my soul to put all my expectations set aside and truly depict on paper everything that is happening to me. I’m ready to shed all of my self -loathing, insecurities and doubt to gain a new perspective and appreciation for life and what it means to connect to nature and other human beings. A search for enlightenment? Perhaps. Discovering unexpected love and life-long friends? I’m almost sure of it. I’m ready to find my voice now. Stay tuned. 
       “The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences.”
                                     -Jon Krakauer