Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sit with me

A proud smile shines softly down on you
Wait, don't listen to that harsh word in your ear
Butterflies zipping up your chest
Like that first real bitter day in winter
You found it all
That ship that sails 'til morning

You think God grabs hands
And missed yours
Your feet on rollerskates with wheels
So fast the motion can't keep up
Alas, the motion started it all
Don't hide anymore
Join forces with the rain
There's no cheating in life
Only gaining truth to live

Be addicted to what wants you
Craft a circle and expect to fly
A young spirit emulates
A message not from fortune
But from a true experience
So take the smile
As a reassuring wave
Of music in a dream

I love New York. I love the multicultural vibe here. Los Angeles doesn't inspire me in any way. Everyone is in the same industry, yet you feel very isolated. Neve Campbell

Freelance Whales - Aeolus

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sigur Rós - Fjögur píanó

Washed Out - Before

Teen Daze - Late


Dear Joe

I put you in your place
Like pictures on a wall
Hanging excuses left and right
Not knowing when they'll fall
"Just try to make it fit" you say
"Just keep it in my sight"
But the things you never noticed
Were the things I had to fight

Open up the games you play
Leave them out for all to see
I organize the rules so you can
Tug-O-War with me
Rearrange the pieces, gather up the points
Fix the unconventional like they were broken joints
Call it almost starting, call it what you will
My heart's already whole you see
There's nothing you can fill

Feed The Birds - Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews)