Tuesday, April 29, 2014

slowdive- when the sun hits

our moon

  I remembered his face the second time I saw him and was surprised at the butterflies I had... 
  We stood there together and I waited for him to ask me while being prepared for what he was going to ask me
  We became friends for awhile but I knew he loved me when I looked into his eyes
  He would call me and inquire of music when other boys only texted and inquired of nothing in particular
  We would walk together in the night along cafe-lined streets and I would ask him what in the world I ever did before him...still not being sure of my feelings but knowing he divinely altered my perspective of the male species
  He would look at me longingly while I played him my favorite songs and pretend not to notice
  He was there to take me to the places I dreamed of when no one else would partake in those desires
  He was there when I asked him to go away and continued to divulge in conversations about the moon
  Oh, how we adored the moon together!
  Like its purpose was to galvanize two tangled lovers
  Like it only belonged to us, like we owned the sky
  Then one foggy evening the gods cast a spell on me and I knew I was meant to be his
  A scintillating scent drifted into my bedroom and all I could think about was my hands in his hair and his lips on mine
  Not long after love occurred, but not a simple love, that deep love that one only finds once in a lifetime.
  We couldn’t get enough of each other yet waited to consummate our oneness
  Then in a cabin in the woods we gave ourselves to one another fully, delicately, perfectly
  We showed our truest selves in the quiet of the cold
  A brilliant fire
  A tuned guitar
  This was all we needed
  Our world was nothing but mad love and music, and it was forever in that moment
  He would throw pizzas into the air and I would imagine our children
  With his almond eyes and my wide smile
  Our simple imperfections blending to make a lively little soul
  He would make me coffee in the morning and I would kiss his face over and over until not an inch was spared
  We would make egg sandwiches while the sun went down to start our magical nights
  He would hold his hand to my heart until I thought I might die of happiness
  Then I was called to venture to faraway lands
  And you conquered everything you ever wanted in our city 
  And when I came back into your arms everything was the same...
  Until it wasn’t 
  Until the darkness swooped in like a veil against our transparent sky
  The music dulled and I couldn’t hear you anymore
  You woke angry and I ignored phone calls
  We ended things and you went away
  I sent you memories and you never wanted to see them
 You reached out to the me that wasn’t there anymore
 Who were we now without each other?
  This I wonder still, lying awake nights, when I forget for a moment that your arms are not around me 
 And in this moment everything is quiet
 And calm

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Void

 I am immersed in ink. Thick, bordering tar-like ink that seeps into every crevice of my body. The man standing in front of me laughs, and I hate him for laughing, because can’t he see that amidst my continued struggle to get clean I have fallen further and further into the forgotten abyss? That the language I used to speak doesn’t translate in this realm and, if I were to ask for help with a physical gesture, that I would only get a wide-eyed stare from the creatures who lack any amount of sympathy? I see them come awake at night, rising high above me, their skin rotten and covered in growing parasites. They look at each other with solid white eyes, enormous eyes that flicker and that seem to serve no other purpose but to highlight their gripping madness and empty souls. The recurring sound of screams, the depiction of agony that kept me awake in my stillness were the catalyst to my eventual paralyzation. The creatures needed me to feed on, I knew that, and accepted my demise like a lamb who had been captured by a lion and, after all of the torture of being ripped apart while just-enough alive, finally found comfort in the mastication- found peace for a glimmer of a moment before the lion sank his teeth into its neck to end the little lamb’s suffering. 
  I gaze at the man in front of me, helpless, anticipating the evil his hands will do before he vanishes me from this world forever. 
  The lion is always a he, you know. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Follow what inspires you


Is reality more of what is in books or of what makes up life? Is it literature that gives us the feeling of nostalgia more than actual events that happen to us? 

  I imagine this next chapter will bring nothing for us
 And you'll search for me in all that foliage you thought you dug up years ago
 The rain pours harder now
 You'll continue searching for me there in the garden
 The garden I always wanted
 But never knew I could have
 Your callings go unnoticed 
 For I found myself already in the trees 
 In the lake
 And over the moon