Friday, August 2, 2013


I stay up days and nights
Caught in some razor blade circle
So typical
Fought with ghosts I never knew
What I found to be the likes of you

A concrete wall 
Away from it all
It could never cease to be
Let it be anyone but me

From that sickening train
To something real
Crucified nocturnal instincts
Give up the long hair for beauty
Give up the beauty for hate

Peel the art off my walls 
So we can breathe again
Hold onto the nothingness
The pseudo-brave face you show me
The hurt can be something
We pretend
A false chemical I chose to see

A blanket of misfitted adults
Pardon the shame of growing old
Common fucking formalities
I get on tangents about drunks
And idiosyncrasies 
Yet strive to be magnanimous
I walk all day

I can’t love someone I can’t talk about the moon with
It’s shining aura beaming down and bringing me waves of nostalgia mixed with emphatic wonder and melodies
Again I glide down a hill laced with stars, stars at my feet, in my hair, in my sky
Forget unspoken promises
Forget heartache and uncertainty
Forget all of it
For he...
For he loves like no one else loves. 

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