Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cue Sight excerpt

   I have spoken words you haven’t thought of yet. I ask to cover your eyes and I make you cover mine. I listen to volumes upon volumes of the endless information you retain and there are moments of progression but then the tune fades and everything falls off. It was your hair I think. It was like you just got out of the shower but you weren’t clean at all. I fooled you...for once. There are only moments when the rain is on its way. I am a song in the night, I am a frightened novel that you carry with you when you want to be seen. You are a land I want to recall from a past life. Ever since I asked you about that town you once lived in you would smile at me like I lived there with you. I could only love you once. I could only love you once...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

my moon

  I watch the moon float quietly above me. I have a longing yet at the same time I never want to be satisfied, because satisfaction means the end of something, a stagnant energy that I could never bare. I watch the sun sleep with the moon, marvel as they rise together over the ocean...these visions, these are my dreams I keep safe. These are the dreams that cradle my connection to God. As the violet hues grow softer around me I chase a constant wave thrashing into the sand. I graze my hands along the millions of beige lovemakers, I feel them on my fingertips and everything comes alive. I am in a reverie. The moon waves goodbye and I will not fear his absence, for now is all I have and I am here.

The feeling of this's like the fall that never leaves you, the story you always knew you had...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


  Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and feel like I'm looking at a stranger. It's not real, this reflection. I'm not any more real than the next person. We all believe that we are special...maybe we are...all special. But we're not real. We're pretending in a physical form. We dress up like dolls to look like some kind of fictitious part. A part of what? Life?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Then it's white- The Field

Metanoia excerpt

 Since I couldn’t find my way anymore I settled with the feeling of being lost. I could bob my head to a funky electronica beat while inhaling smoke from a hooka like nobody’s business.   Try to fuck with me, I alluded with my eyes. My anfractuous path was just beginning. I could feel it pulsating through me. The crowded room of candy kids were my allies, my friends, everything I always knew they could be. So what if I didn’t own a penny to my name. So what if he said he would write but never did. I didn't hold on to expectations. The universe took care of me and I knew it. 

Sadness keeps you connected