Sunday, December 1, 2013

Haunt Me Honeybee

Do you want to stay with me until I go
Breathe me in
Once more
Let’s get washed up together 
No matter what your decision
You still say you like me in the shower
You say it’s easier to hold me in the confines of porcelain 
Carry them far, your answers
Carry them farther away from me
Leave the contrail tonight
And as the rest of the world heaves loneliness
I wake with you once more
Until the darkness peels the light
Until I ask the stars
Why they act frozen above me
As if stars had names
As if they stumbled out of the universe on accident 
As if they knew me
You sing with me but only for a moment 
We could get away again 
And tomorrow I will love you 
Once more

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