Monday, September 24, 2012

Red balloon

Upon a red balloon I ponder love and loss
Go far away to places that glow with pride
I don’t only get dreamy at nightfall, my darling
The days too are filled with fantasies and long-awaited whispers by candlelight
Come to my ocean for flight
My arms grow into pelagic birds that lift me higher into a man’s heart
Spin in circles and create elongated dancers out of memories
I hid my picture from you all that time
And now I’m brave enough for you to see it
You couldn’t tell me what is true because I already trust my instincts
Inspiration flourishes 
Right before
I sit on your balcony and dream of existence with you
Espresso and cookies in bed 
I wake with your kisses and dream for nonsense 
For our world couldn’t be anything what their world is
J’espere seulement qu’il sait vrai que mon amour est
Erase anything but Antibes

Oops I lost it

It’s hard for my mouth to form sentences naturally
I need my mind to coincide organically 
but when I put my thoughts together they sound too scattered
and I can’t anymore.
graceful and with tact I put on a show
to let you see how far I will go
to trick you into thinking I’m something I’m not
shy and endearing, yearning to be caught
to break away from the facade of the confident and mighty
I’m so fucking fickle and ever-so-flighty
I trip and I fall down the dark rabbit hole
grab my hand bravery, away we go
scraped and battered I emerge from the dust
I held onto him, the only one I could trust
he showed me a way of protecting myself
while revealing to the world all those things I had held
within me for longer than you can possibly imagine
the box was open and I stuck my hand in
to grab on to hope with all that I have
to play with its ribbons and untie the sack
let me search and search til I can finally find
my voice that had stifled that life left behind
I devour and swallow every new beginning
to find myself is my only way of living


Mixed messages laced with kind eyes
constellations rise and I follow floating dreaming
wandering into the night and needing space to walk through
what I thought was my sanity
but it cascaded down like a lonely ball
so I tried to vanish with it tossing turning tumbling
lately it’s all because of his stories I stop
stop to stare at every magnificent beautiful grain of sand
I go where the ocean goes
I trail along 
farther than a naked eye on the sea
splash in buff titanium and aqua eyelashes 
big sur calls to me
I think I’ll visit my day now
let it wash away my visible scars 
foreign and profound
oh how I long for warmth in a quiet song
tread light on the cold promise of winter

Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Paris a mon coeur pour toujours

Ode to you

Loving my history and hating the entity...
Did you swear on it?
Did you put your life on the lies?
My name and your name go together
Like salt and pepper
Come and whisper your sorrows because
Your laughter creates fickle memories
Tell me about the messages you left for everyone but me.
Cheers to you and your wishes
I'm in London still...
And yet I will never be where you want me to be
Drink your apples and ridicule me
When I'm only trying to console your beliefs of who we are and
Who we were meant to be.
You are
My hesitant glance
Fast forward to adamant conversations
About frequent trips to Europe
That make no sense of how it actually is with us.
Can you sip my sweetness and tell me that it's over?
You shine with your intoxicating sadness
Blaming my hatred on loving you
Blaming the hatred on losing you
Back and forth I struggle with your cold mistakes
All of your kindness and punches and smiles and blows and
Oh the bruises you left.
Can I give up after all this time?
Compilations of our troubles
Are my intimate meanings and doubts
I quietly show you my tears
And pray you cry for me as well
The color of ripe tomatoes I get
When I know it's not about me you write.
Breaking News: You forgot your pieces.
I would have been fine without you
You just filled spaces I didn't know I had.
We could have gone dreamer...
We could have car danced to our one destination
When your path was laced with mine
I should leave you behind
To be your own person without my wraths and chains and gate
God I've cured my block
And it was you darling
My love and hate.

Beach House - Wishes

A review I wrote on Beach House