Monday, September 24, 2012

Red balloon

Upon a red balloon I ponder love and loss
Go far away to places that glow with pride
I don’t only get dreamy at nightfall, my darling
The days too are filled with fantasies and long-awaited whispers by candlelight
Come to my ocean for flight
My arms grow into pelagic birds that lift me higher into a man’s heart
Spin in circles and create elongated dancers out of memories
I hid my picture from you all that time
And now I’m brave enough for you to see it
You couldn’t tell me what is true because I already trust my instincts
Inspiration flourishes 
Right before
I sit on your balcony and dream of existence with you
Espresso and cookies in bed 
I wake with your kisses and dream for nonsense 
For our world couldn’t be anything what their world is
J’espere seulement qu’il sait vrai que mon amour est
Erase anything but Antibes

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