Monday, September 24, 2012

Oops I lost it

It’s hard for my mouth to form sentences naturally
I need my mind to coincide organically 
but when I put my thoughts together they sound too scattered
and I can’t anymore.
graceful and with tact I put on a show
to let you see how far I will go
to trick you into thinking I’m something I’m not
shy and endearing, yearning to be caught
to break away from the facade of the confident and mighty
I’m so fucking fickle and ever-so-flighty
I trip and I fall down the dark rabbit hole
grab my hand bravery, away we go
scraped and battered I emerge from the dust
I held onto him, the only one I could trust
he showed me a way of protecting myself
while revealing to the world all those things I had held
within me for longer than you can possibly imagine
the box was open and I stuck my hand in
to grab on to hope with all that I have
to play with its ribbons and untie the sack
let me search and search til I can finally find
my voice that had stifled that life left behind
I devour and swallow every new beginning
to find myself is my only way of living

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