Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Blue crash oyster waves
Twists tales of our time again
Acquire lonely days still
It’s back to Europe with our minds ablaze 
Out of questions
Yet never lost 
Love that long, sudden ended always

Bring only what you want to 
Bring only what you need
After sudden whispers there’s a calling 
I shout your name from my knee
Lay down so I can bring up reasons why it will always work

Open stories daily now
He calls me Hemingway and I tell him not to start it
are perfect
to me
I miss college if nothing more than that moment of forgetting what I thought I’d learned
I saw her yesterday and it turned into today all day long
Forever chasing trails of longing for the story I never really knew
Almost nearing an end of a pseudo-liberal beginning
Because lately it’s because of hesitation I write

I eat alone because I like the yearning 
I accept proposals then invite a cancellation 
I toss up angry gestures so I can’t feel anymore
Engage the people who write books about me
What am I saying, oh illuminating one?
How have I tortured your mind into thinking 
That I am indeed a possibility?

This ardent love completes me
Ever-thoughtful words pour out of my mouth like velvet kisses made for kings
These things I keep like a promise that lay open
A door shuts like a stark mistake
Swing with me forever
Let’s tessellate until we reach the top of the year together
A madhouse of sex and rock ‘n’ roll 

Just this

I saw you before you noticed me...I got lost in the adventure of you...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

my seance

I see you everywhere
your hands tightly in your pockets
walking towards me like you need me
a vague memory glides past you
some weak time in our strength 
you don't let it shift your focus from me
I let the tide change
I wait for you under the street light
in the night
like I used to
when we saw each other unexpectedly 
you were my blue paint always
you handed me your canvas like a present
but now your hands are empty 
except for that torn fabric in your jeans
there's a waveless air now
no fickle memories, no tears or lonely nights beside each other
when you would kiss the inside of my arm and I would think "I could die like this..."
you are my muse that will soon become the center
in my seance of eternal love 

You evoke violet songs in me, the kind of violet you could confuse for blue...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

From the art of mirrors

Haunt Me Honeybee

Do you want to stay with me until I go
Breathe me in
Once more
Let’s get washed up together 
No matter what your decision
You still say you like me in the shower
You say it’s easier to hold me in the confines of porcelain 
Carry them far, your answers
Carry them farther away from me
Leave the contrail tonight
And as the rest of the world heaves loneliness
I wake with you once more
Until the darkness peels the light
Until I ask the stars
Why they act frozen above me
As if stars had names
As if they stumbled out of the universe on accident 
As if they knew me
You sing with me but only for a moment 
We could get away again 
And tomorrow I will love you 
Once more


It can be cinematic all the time

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cue Sight excerpt

   I have spoken words you haven’t thought of yet. I ask to cover your eyes and I make you cover mine. I listen to volumes upon volumes of the endless information you retain and there are moments of progression but then the tune fades and everything falls off. It was your hair I think. It was like you just got out of the shower but you weren’t clean at all. I fooled you...for once. There are only moments when the rain is on its way. I am a song in the night, I am a frightened novel that you carry with you when you want to be seen. You are a land I want to recall from a past life. Ever since I asked you about that town you once lived in you would smile at me like I lived there with you. I could only love you once. I could only love you once...