Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Before Dawn

Sun will rise up
Use your word-hoard to articulate your feelings for me
And your surroundings
And daily you drink coffee like it attributes to your artistic ability
Like it forces arbitrary meanings you couldn’t otherwise place
Just add a euphemism to make yourself feel better
When I liked it more when you were harsh
Fortress untold
A day after this I see you 
Wandering in the mist
Wandering in the nightmare
Returning to me only when it’s time for lovers to wake
Spun in dreary cyclical motions only while trembling in your weary hands
A voice is your tonic
A painting your muse
A growl only ceases when fed
A need only ceases when met
Softly I whisper magic to you
You gaze back only to muster a sweet, sweet word to haunt my last living breath

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